Finding Spiritual Retreats and Activities at a Christian Church in Louisville, KY

We are a non-profit interfaith spirituality center that is devoted to teaching contemplative practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep connection with it. We are proud to help make your retreat at Red River Gorge Church the best it can be. From walks in the forest to services at our activity center and nights together around a campfire, it's what makes this retreat memorable. A religious retreat in Cliffview is the perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with yourself.

The Our Bodies, Our Faith retreat is an amazing opportunity for young people to make healthy choices that will improve their lives. We will focus on sacred values and on our shared identity as children of God. The entire program is tailored to the needs of high school and high school students depending on their age. Students will learn about positive self-esteem, healthy relationships, digital communication, and ways to counteract false information about our bodies.

At Red River Gorge Church, we believe that children are spiritual beings, created by God. Even the youngest children can experience the Holy Spirit and be transformed spiritually. That's why we have Adventure Bibles in baskets under the benches at the back of the church (see the photo below). Ozark Christian Church also invites you to a free event with Brother Ray and the blues rock band Sometimes Righteous.

At the same time, Christian leaders have the opportunity to build a Christ-centered community in these places. GO Ministries empowers local leaders to make disciples through church planting, health care and sports ministries, all in the name of Jesus. The Christian life is not about a destination in this world, but rather about getting there and finding a place to stop. The church started an hour-long Sunday school in the hope that it would help children avoid being bored in church so that they would “want to worship like adults”.

WI focuses on training and equipping these church leaders with affordable education, mental health training, retreats for pastors, help with church planting and prison ministry, as well as helping to empower people to serve better in communities of poverty. They are currently working in seven different countries and partnering with indigenous Christian leaders to offer clean water solutions. My name is Wayne Meece and I work as a field coordinator for Team Expansion, a mission agency located in Louisville, Kentucky, dedicated to multiplying disciples and churches among the more than 7,000 groups of unreached people in the world - that is, the 3 billion people who do not have access to the gospel of Jesus Christ. While fasting has its place, having a full stomach during a church retreat is a small blessing in itself.The Thanksgiving Offering benefits schools, universities, seminaries and houses of divinity affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

The Christian Church Region (Disciples of Christ) serves congregations in Missouri outside Kansas City and congregations in Illinois near St. Louis MO. Supporting the Disciples Mission Fund and donations to the Thanksgiving Offering are fundamental parts of the ongoing collaborative work of the church and higher education - which is part of the heritage of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).