Stay Informed About Upcoming Events at a Christian Church in Louisville KY

The Our Bodies, Our Faith retreat is an amazing opportunity for young people to make healthy choices that will improve their lives. This curriculum is tailored to the needs of high school and college students, and it focuses on topics such as positive self-esteem, healthy relationships, digital communication, and how to counter false information about our bodies. Ozark Christian Church is hosting a free event with Brother Ray and the blues rock band Sometimes Righteous. The Thanksgiving Offering will benefit schools, universities, seminaries, and houses of divinity affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

This church serves congregations in Missouri outside Kansas City and congregations in Illinois near St. Louis, MO. Donations to the Thanksgiving Offering are a crucial part of the ongoing collaborative work between the church and higher education, which is a fundamental part of the heritage of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Christian life is not about finding a destination in this world and stopping there.

It's about continuing to grow and learn more about our faith. If you're looking for ways to stay informed about upcoming events at a Christian church in Louisville KY, here are some tips that can help you stay up-to-date: Check out the church's website. Most churches have an online presence these days, so you can easily find out what events are coming up. You can also check out their social media accounts for updates on upcoming events.

Sign up for their newsletter. Many churches have newsletters that they send out regularly with information about upcoming events. Signing up for their newsletter is a great way to stay informed.

Attend services


Attending services is a great way to stay connected with your church and find out about upcoming events. You can also talk to other members of the congregation and ask them what's coming up.

Follow local news outlets

. Local news outlets often cover events at churches in the area, so following them can be a great way to stay informed.

Talk to church staff. If you have any questions or want more information about upcoming events, you can always talk to church staff directly. They'll be able to give you all the details you need. Staying informed about upcoming events at a Christian church in Louisville KY doesn't have to be difficult.

By following these tips, you can easily stay up-to-date on all the latest happenings at your local church. Whether it's a special service or an event like the Our Bodies, Our Faith retreat, you'll be sure to find something that interests you.